Thursday, March 1, 2012

Islamic Church and American State?

Mixing? Doubt it. It is one thing to be knowledgeable about Islamic culture, and sensitive to it. Perhaps I would even go so far as to feel it would be alright to have pro-sensitivity laws (ignorant Americans don't do anybody any good, and are much too prevalent for my liking). However, to promote laws that are inherently biased against the minorities that America so uplifts like women and homosexuals? And on top of that, to only show favor to one specific religious group? Goooooood luck with that. 

I guess that means we have to kill...hmmmmm...most of Americans for not being Muslim? This spells alot of trouble for capitalism and democracy too. The entire machine that is America is honestly too far 1st-world to support real, strict Shariah law. 

That journalist did have a point - to mock a religion without knowing a thing about it does make one look like an ignorant doofus. However, ignoring the laws already in place to condemn that man and pardon one who reacted violently towards him in the end only serves to support violence. Yay violence?

Please, by all means, make people more sensitive. But Shariah law would only dethrone America's entire way of being - equality (however corrupted) would be dead, many pro-equality movements would be quashed and probably rise up in anger at being thus silenced in a world where they are used to freedom of speech. the words of Bartok from the cartoon Anastasia movie, "this can only end in tears!"

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