Response to #1 -The ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights. Take away her reproductive choice and you step onto a slippery slope. If the government can force a woman to continue a pregnancy, what about forcing a woman to use contraception or undergo sterilization?
That's all right and good if you're bought into the idea that fetuses are not human. Unfortunately for all you babybump-aphobes, that isnt that case. Honestly, unless the pregnancy endangers the woman's life, it has nothing to do with the woman's body. This is just a label for selfishness, even if you cant "afford" the child financially. There is aid for that. Anyway, to keep it short, developing fetuses are human and to claim that your "right over your own body" is cause enough to murder your child is not only a load of bull, but infringes upon the child's civil rights as well. How does that go, LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Aren't liberals SUPPOSED to be about the minority agenda here? I'd think unborn children are the most underrepresented minority out there. They quite literally have no voice of their own. And what on earth does forcing contraception or sterilization have to do with all this anyway? Once you're pregnant, you've got a whole other LIFE inside of you. Preventing life and taking life are two totally different things. For the government to disallow murder is their job, doing this will not mean they can force women to use contraception or become sterile. At least not the American government. China is a different case, lol. ..."Reproductive choice", that makes me sick. Teen suicide is an issue, but this isn't? Teens aren't fully-functioning humans yet either...hormones all over the place, brains going haywire... but that doesn't make their untimely deaths any less painful, or right. May as well say teens aren't human yet and invite their parents to stab them after a particularly difficult fight. What difference does the "first breath" make? Someone, please tell me how oxygen makes you human. Seriously.
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