....that was my initial response upon watching that Forever All video.
My brain hurts just trying to understand how .....no, no, i am getting ahead of myself. One point at a time, right?
Okay, so the video is listing off all these concrete things that make up this "All", right? Like gravity and water and atoms and the heat source of the sun...but if these are the things that make up the All, and are infact the things that make US the All by sustaining us, how the heck can truth be relative and each of us be unique ????? Those things seem preeeeetty singular/concrete in nature, and are basically truths within themselves. I feel as though the only solid conclusion you can make if you are the All is that you are simply made to continue the cycle. You can have no hope or relativity! You're just atoms made to live off other atoms, no matter how many bloody universes your "mind" travels through. And if you cannot completely know this "All", how are you to draw any conclusions in the first place ?? What is the point of truth if you cannot know it ? And, if you think about it, saying that you cannot ever completely know truth is a truth, so you have A truth you can completely comprehend. But that truth still leaves you in a pretty helpless situation. So let's all just be cool with bein atoms and eatin atoms, mkay? ...Yeah bloody right. >_> hey mom, in the next life can i be a pizza atom? mmm...
Wow, okay...I guess I rolled too many things into one....some general question-arguments sprung to mind though:
How can we BE the All and not understand the All ?
Why would a Pantheist encourage us to look away from the "light of truth" at times, if that is somehow within us, and (should be, therefor) attainable ?
Why is truth not attainable, and how are we unique if we are all part of the same thing ?
And, SERIOUSLY, how can you see a world based upon such intricate complexities and delicate balances, understand them, base your worldview on them, and think them UNCREATED??!?!?! baaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!
Honestly, Pantheism sounds like it can be summed up as "conceited ignorance", the end. ...And how could that video say you will truely know that kingdom and the kingdom is you if you really cannot comprehend it and are even advised to not look at it directly...gehh...nooooo, okay, I AM DONE NOW.
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