Q: Does Non- Naturalism explain truth, reality and knowledge?
A: It tries to. It fails hard, but it tries to. As the blatantly contradictory and extremist cousin of Naturalism, Non-Naturalism states basically that the world is an illusion, that our individual self is an indestructible life force outside the physical world, and that this self is but a part of a universal understanding of everything. So basically, physical reality is a lie called the Maya, the individual, called the Atman, is a god, and is therefore already part of some massive truth-Consciousness called the Brahman. Truth, then, is found inside you. And we aaaaall know how well that works out, when each man is left to his own definition of truth and his own devices. Reality is just a big a load of crap as Non-Naturalism is. Knowledge is ...well, apparently it is irrelevant. What matters is the enlightenment of being part of the Brahman. Any knowledge found outside of our Atman is probably an illusion anyway. wheeeeeeeeee.